Everybody in Spain is shocked this week due to the corpse of Laura, a girl of 26 years, who disappeared last December 12 when she went out to do jogging and that has been found, on December 17, in a mountainous area with several signs of violence. Today, December 18, the first suspect has been arrested. Everything confirms that it has been another case of sexist violence.
Laura has become part of the list of victims of gender violence. In this year of 2018, 46 women have been murdered by the hands of a man according to the Ministry of Equality. 46 injustices have been committed simply because of being a woman. Despite many advances in Spanish society on women's rights we still have this scourge. A global scourge in the form of violence and discrimination. In addition, in Spain, according to the Center for Sociological Research indicates that the Spanish consider in November 2018 violence against women as one of the three most important problems to eradicate, with 2.1% of the population.
The reaction of the Spaniards was not long in coming. And as we have been accustomed, Spanish society has gone out to show their rejection of the case. In addition, a campaign in social networks has kept the population in interaction and aware showing their rejection of cases of gender violence. As in March 8 or November 25, where there were mass demonstrations, in which Spanish women shouted “Basta Ya!” (Enough!), this time the mobilization online has also been massive. Hashtags has been shared as #TodosSomosLaura (#WeAreLaura), #NiUnaMenos, #QueremosCorrerSinmiedo (#JoggingWithoutFear), #QueremosEstarVivas (#StillAlive). Or images with wishes for 2019 where women return home safe and sound.
Laura Luelma
This causes women to feel fear and insecurity. A few days ago, a platform called "Synchronized" was created and they affirm that 9 out of 10 women feel insecure and harassed when they do jogging, so one of their goals is to make groups of women to go jogging together. On the other hand, we, as women, have also experienced fear or insecurity when you have to go home alone and it is night. If you go out partying. Or if you wear a miniskirt. Or experience, that we must be brave instead of free.
How can a society be advanced and egalitarian when women feel fear and insecurity? Advanced and egalitarian when the messages we receive are "Do not go back to home alone", "Let me know when you get home", "Do not dress like that" and a long etcetera. Why do they seem to try to make us guilty for being a woman and for what we do?
This is what we denounce.
Feminism is not going to stop and will continue fighting so that women are free and defend our rights. To eliminate fear and insecurity. Because it's unfair.
Laura, on March 8, retweeted a tweet that said: "They teach you not to go alone through dark places instead of teaching monsters not to be, THAT is the problem".
The commitment must be greater. Have more education in gender equality. More awareness from an early age to have a fairer society in the future. And above all, to be free and not only brave. It's what we shout on March 8. It's what we scream now.
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